Thursday, October 24, 2013

Three Little Birds: What is the Focus?

The Story
One morning last week I was having coffee and reading before jumping into work on my computer. Having just made the bold leap into launching my technology consulting business, I noticed some sensations of anxiety and anxiousness in my torso. As I probed the feelings I was able to identify the tell-tale signs of fear.  I noticed my inner voice saying things like, "What are you doing? Why don't you just get a job? This is never going to work. You'll have to get a job at some point anyway." As I sat there bringing presence to these negative thoughts, trying to turn them into positive statements, I heard some stirrings on the deck below.

"singing a sweet song, a melody pure and true..."
Moving over to the window, I looked down find three little birds on my porch. They were singing back and forth to one another. The three house wrens, as I quickly identified them, were plump, chipper, and joyfully greeting one another.  They hopped back and forth, singing their song in a continuous stream, welcoming each other and the morning. Their brightness and and authenticity was so forceful that my mood immediately began to improve. I began to smile, then giggle. Soon I was actually laughing at their silly merry making on my doorstep!

Still basking in the joy of that moment I thought, "Well, now what shall I do with my day?" With a feeling of lightness in my heart, I immediately heard the response, "Perhaps I'll go to that business marketing meeting I read about in the paper last week!" For a brief moment, the feeling of doubt crept into my mind again. And, as if on cue, I heard the wren's song again. I looked out of the window. This time one of the three house wrens had flown up into the tree directly across from my window. It was as though she had flown up specifically to remind me to stay up and joyful. Her contagious song inspired me to quickly shower, dress, and head out to the early morning meeting with a positive outlook and skip to my step.

The Technology
A friend sent me an email recently telling me how depressing he finds the state of the world - he had been watching the local evening news on TV that night. His note, combined with the experience of the three wrens, got me thinking about the ways in which our technologies have the potential to profoundly influence our view of the world, our outlook on life, and even our feelings and moods.

What is the focus?
Personally, I have been exploring the impact of not watching TV at home for some time now.  In our house we have only the basic cable and generally only watch movies on the weekend.  As a family, we make art together, read together, take walks, go to the museum or playground together.  When we use our individual technologies, we are mindful of the amount of time we spend on our devices, choosing the duration together and then sticking to our plans to unplug.

I've also started to think about my choices and use of social media in this same light. Having given up TV for the most part, I recognize the same potential stream of energetically charged stories and ideas coming from sources such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. While I may not turn on the TV often, I do look at the news in print form on the internet, and I do connect with others through email, chat, texting, and sharing ideas through social media channels.  I do feel that similarly, some messages promote feelings of spaciousness, joy and love in my body, while others create fear, doubt, and anger.  So I've begun to ask myself, "What is the focus?" I then make my choices from a place of awareness.

Can you identify the ways in which technology influences your thoughts, your mood, or even your actions?  Have you ever found yourself upset after watching a TV show or news report for no apparent reason?  Do you sometimes feel irritation over the volume of texts and emails you receive? Do you sometimes become annoyed with trivial nature of your friends' Facebook and Twitter posts?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, then perhaps you've identified a way in which the focus of the message being sent is impacting your lived experience in less than positive ways.

So many of us are already hard on ourselves, questioning our actions, our words, our choices.  Then we also unknowingly allow the messages that come in our devices to intensify feelings of fear, anger, guilt.   Its no wonder so many of us are depressed, anxious, and even sick.  The interesting thing though is - we've all experienced ways in which our technologies can just as easily create feelings of love, joy, and acceptance.  In beginning to notice the physical sensations and thoughts that follow our use of technology, perhaps we can begin to make more thoughtful choices about what to view, when to use our technologies, and when to unplug for the sake of our personal happiness and that of others.  Perhaps we can all learn to look for the three little birds in our daily use of technology.

As I began to write this post and work on its title, I was reminded of Bob Marley's famous song, "Three Little Birds." I searched for a recording of the song online.  As it began to play on the tab I'd opened in my browser to YouTube and I was reminded of Bob's wisdom about the message that his three little birds have to share with us all:

"Don't worry 'bout a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." 

Thanks Bob.  Thank you to those who have chosen to utilize technology to share uplifting messages with the world.  And most especially, thank you three little wrens - for coming to my doorstep that morning to lift my spirits - and for then inspiring this post.

Images:  wren and social media pictures courtesy of
Video:  Bob Marley video courtesy of

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