Thursday, October 10, 2013

"The Call to Adventure"

"We must let go of the life we have planned,
so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
- Joseph Campbell
Today is the first day of a new adventure for me. As a career educator and life-long computer user, I have been engaged in the use of technology for teaching and learning for quite some time. I've waited until now, however, to create a blog. Why have I held off for so long? Until now, I didn't feel that I had a reason to write, a story to share, or a useful purpose to support all of the effort that would be involved in offering my thoughts with the world in this type of ongoing, linear, and personal format.

Now at turning point in my career, taking a giant leap into the world of adult learning as an independent consultant, writer, and artist, I feel I have uncovered a personal purpose worthy of blogging - sharing a chronicle of some of the lessons I have learned along the way. I believe I have also found my authentic voice - offering my personal wisdom about technology use, in a creative way. My purpose for writing here will be to explore the intersection between technology and mindfulness through employing the mediums of image, story, and metaphor.  I hope that these offerings will engage us all in thinking deeply about, more intentionally utilizing, and revising our sometimes solid conceptions, as we begin view technology in a different light.  It is my hope that we each, as Joseph Campbell has written, may then return to our lives changed, sharing "the lessons we have learned of life renewed."

As we start out on this journey together, you may also be interested in the new line of professional work I am launching. Please visit the online home of Mindful Technology Consultants by clicking on the linked name.   Thank you for joining me on the adventure!

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